WHAT HAPPENED: A largely quiet week for the N.C. 在一个州外的会议上,联合国大会的大部分成员. Rather, most of the attention fell on the
federal infrastructure package 365足彩下载和其他分支机构在周二的新闻发布会上敦促国会批准.
WHAT IT MEANS: We explain in a brief article below; the milestone is that the U.S. 参议院已经同意接受5790亿美元的计划, 尽管参议院和众议院的最终投票可能还需要几周的时间. 该计划将大幅增加基础设施支出,从而支持社区的生活质量和经济定位.
According to Reuters, 参议院少数党领袖米奇·麦康奈尔称两党计划是“集中的妥协”和“重要的, basic duty of government."
ON TAP: Watching those metrics. 北卡罗来纳州及其他地区的公共卫生领导人记录了不幸的冠状病毒感染趋势,并警告称,就在信心正在恢复之际,据报道,传染性更强的德尔塔病毒变体. 为了一劳永逸地摆脱大流行,包括乔·拜登总统和州长在内的官员. Roy Cooper have announced varying, new vaccination guidelines or requirements (including potential steady testing of persons who decline) within federal and state government; they cited shortcomings in vaccine acceptance as a challenge to the overall recovery.
THE SKINNY: State legislative committees are
back on the calendar 下周,一些议员将从他们参加的会议中回来。
他是犹他州美国立法交流委员会的成员). 请继续阅读我们在基础设施365体育足彩和大流行恢复方面共同努力的城镇感兴趣的中心新闻的具体内容.
Just hours before a
bipartisan group of U.S. senators reached a historic agreement on infrastructure spending, 在周二上午的新闻发布会上,代表365足彩下载和其他附属机构的市长们表达了他们的支持.
索尔兹伯里市长凯伦·亚历山大谈到了该协议对北卡罗来纳州城镇的重要性, president of the N.C. League of Municipalities; Greensboro Mayor Nancy Vaughan, chair of the N.C. Metropolitan Mayors Coalition; Kinston Mayor Don Hardy, chair of the N.C. Mayors Association; Asheville Mayor Esther Manheimer; and Mooresville Mayor Miles Atkins.
The event received far-reaching
print and
television news coverage. Video of the full news conference
is archived online.亚历山大市长指出,两党基础设施计划将为社区提供所需的资源,以追求各自的独特愿景,以改善经济和生活质量. 沃恩说,这项计划还提供了一个机会,“向美国人民表明,政府仍然可以共同努力, in common purpose, without thinking of the next election, in a way that benefits us all."
Several of the mayors thanked North Carolina's U.感谢美国参议员理查德·伯尔和汤姆·提利斯的工作和对该法案的支持. 周三,参议院以压倒性多数通过了这项5790亿美元的计划, 尽管参议院和众议院的最终投票可能还需要几周的时间.
The N.C. 流行病恢复办公室(NC PRO)已开始将通过美国救援计划分配的资金分配给500多个已向NC PRO提交所有所需文件的非权利政府单位(news). In North Carolina, 除了26个人口最多的城市外,所有城市都被认为是news,并将通过NC PRO获得美国救援计划的资金. 向500多个城市发放资金所需的处理时间意味着,政府的目标是在8月底之前向所有申请资金的城市发放资金. 关于已经支付的资金的最新情况见
NC PRO website. 资金按收到所有所需文件的顺序每周分配一次, 所以如果你申请了资金但还没有收到, they are in all likelihood still on the way. 如果您对您的状态有疑问,以及是否所有文件都已被NC PRO正确接收, please feel free to contact us at
arp@india-pilgrimages.com and we will follow up. You can also continue to visit
www.arp.india-pilgrimages.com 获取美国救援计划基金的最新信息.
The COVID-19 metrics in North Carolina, with analysis of the circulating delta variant, 政府和商界领袖是否在权衡,甚至在某些情况下下令制定新的协议,以超越危机
frustrating infection trend 就在这么多人接受某种共同的胜利感,战胜了一场走下坡路的大流行之际. 拜登总统周四下令联邦工作人员和承包商
be vaccinated or comply with steady testing and other requirements.
Gov. 罗伊·库珀宣布了这类措施的一种变体 and accordingly
encouraged businesses to tighten up as well. “Until more people get the vaccine, 我们将继续面临严重疾病的真正威胁, 我们将继续看到更多危险和传染性的变异,比如德尔塔病毒," said Governor Cooper in a news release. A U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
report in the headlines this week set a disheartening tone for the delta variant, 一般来说,它可以像水痘一样传播, more transmissible than what's been going around.
State health leaders emphasized the shot. “摆脱这场大流行的唯一方法就是接种疫苗. 我们的趋势正在以惊人的速度加速,病毒传播的最高速度发生在疫苗接种率低的地区和未充分接种疫苗的人群中," said N.C. 卫生与公众服务部部长. Mandy Cohen.
根据各州的数据,北卡罗来纳州已经发放了9张.8 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine. 只有不到60%的成年人完全接种了疫苗, 61%的成年人至少接种过一剂疫苗.
myspot.nc.gov (English) or
Vacunate.nc.gov (Spanish).